
Bethany Robert has become known for her highly texturized, colorful, unique style of wall art. The foundation of this inspiration stems from her love of culture, music, fashion and fabric, and the discovery of personal truth. Creating art on a normal basis keeps her soul alive.

Visually, she is moved by the combination of texture and color. She gains insight from fabrics, patterns on the earth’s surface and striking color combinations. She likes the discovery in experimenting with different mediums and finds that she likes to work in layers to allow the art to form itself. After creating complexity, she brings it back to simplicity by uniting it all in one way or another. She is particularly drawn to creating abstract art because of the level of subjectivity it allows. She continues to experiment with many different types of mediums, including all types of unique textures, oils, inks, acrylics, latex, pastel and much more.

Bethany has shown her work all over the United States in well-known art galleries, as well as decorated the walls of fashion shows and live events. She has designed custom work for homes and businesses, and her prints and original work are available for purchase at different locations around the United States and Worldwide. Her goal is to make beautiful art affordable and available to everyone. To her, art creates the environment and mood of a room and with creating this environment comes piece of mind and happiness.

Bethany resides and creates art in her studio in Los Angeles, California.